Dear All
Warm greetings from Hope for the Needy Youth Missions! We are pleased to get back to you after such long periods without update first of all wishing you a Merry X-mas and Happy New year! We are Thankful for all your support that enhanced smooth running of our previous workshops and more grateful to inform you that we are yet to resume our works from the previous periods of dormancy! Among these we have organized a follow up which we intend to commence on the 3rd-January-2013. We are to re visit the previous places we have established projects and investigate the efficiency and effectiveness of our teachings and donations in our previous projects as well as establishing poverty simulation programmes involving association with the vulnerable groups having an ample time to share more about Christ to fulfil our objective of taking care of Spiritual needs as well as establishing relationships with the people! The targeted areas include:
Kalangala Islands on Lake Victoria where we had a medical Clinic
Namutaba Village Where we Donated Food and other basic Needs
Luwonvu Village where we Donated more food, clothes, Kerosene and other basic Needs.
Your Prayers and support are important to us and together in one we can achieve our objectives!
Sincerely yours;
President Hope for the Needy Youth Missions