Tuesday, January 15, 2013


This project is aimed at establishing a more sustainable source of income to the vulnerable groups as opposed to the previous hand out mechanism in our projects we established in kalangala, Namutamba and Luwonvu.
We intend to avail one female animal to each the selected 13 families which they will take care of until it produces after which they will pass the off springs to yet another vulnerable family to repeat the cycle and this entitles full ownership of the mother animal to the family that has sent the off spring. No member/family is entitled to full ownership of the HNM animal before passing the off springs and therefore must not sell the animal before it produces hence or otherwise legal actions to be taken upon deviation from terms and conditions. Members have received full explanations of the terms and conditions that apply to receipt of HNM animals thus the project applies only to those willing to abide by the terms and conditions.  We believe to launch this project on the 1st-March 2013 on Kivunza landing site where we have appointed a management committee from natives of integrity to monitor progress of the Send an animal Project and thus calling upon your support to enhance effectiveness of this project.
You may never know or meet them, but you can change their lives together with Hope for the  Needy Youth missions.
                                          “EMPOWERING THE WEEK”
TEL: +256754564854 or +256774381886
Email: hopeforneedy1@live.com