Friday, December 23, 2011

First Mission Trip

We were able to give reading glasses to the aged who were unable to buy them!
Thanks goes to all those who donated these!  They were a great resource for the adults!

Despite the fact that it rained everyday of our mission, we all worked together and strived to make an impact in the community.  We were able to establish a few projects to improve the hygiene as you read in the newsletter. Below is a picture of some of the Hope for the Needy working in the rain!           

We are indebted to the numerous people who helped to fund this project.   We could not have done it without your support.  It is our prayer that the Almighty God bless and reward each of you for your love, support and generosity.
We were blessed with the transportation of a car and even a 3 wheeler!
We were blessed to have someone loan us his tents for accommodations!
We were blessed to have friends who were medical practitioners to help!   We saw a great need to have a doctor.  We hope that we can offer this service on our next trip.  Please pray for a doctor willing to go and offer his/her service for free.
Please continue to pray and support us as we begin planning other mission trips.  We pray that it will be as successful as this first trip was!

We owe much gratitude to all those that contributed material items such as clothes that we were able to share with our friends in the village!
Left is a picture of some of the guys sorting through clothes getting ready to distribute during the walk through the village!

We have analyzed the poor sanitation in the villages due to poor hygienic structures such as pit latrines as you see in the picture on the left.   We are hoping that in upcoming mission trips good hygiene and sanitation will be established!

Thanks to those that contributed the numerous pairs of shoes and sandals that we were able to distribute hence saving many walking bare footed!  This also helps fight jiggers, which is an insect that burrows itself into feet.

We are grateful for the opportunity we had to share in a local church.  We encouraged their youth to live positively in their community! Here we were assigned to lead praise and worship in this church.   It was a wonderful experience to us and a challenge to the youth in this church!            
Left are some of the tents that we were able to use for accommodations! We are grateful for such a blessing and hope that one time we will get to own such materials to eliminate the expensive costs of hotels while on mission!

Poverty simulation programme!

It is in our desire to initiate a poverty simulation programme where we go out spend nights with the poor, eat what they eat, sleep where they sleep and do whatever they do.
We call upon you support more especially in prayers, through donation of material things such as clothes, finance to allow transportation and purchase of food for these families to leave as a present at the end of the period of visitation.


While Stastics and photos can crystallize the dilemma of hunger and poverty in our minds, the real experience is Unimaginable for most of us.
 Can you imagine what life would be like if you were a parent watching your malnourished child slowly die? What if there were food and medicine readily available that would heal your child, but you were never able to buy?
 What would it feel like to be a middle-aged worker recently diagnosed with an incurable mental disoder or HIV/AIDS, and watch your family gradually fear and disown you!!
 How desperate would you feel if you were to experience real hunger pains so intense that you became lifeless, and immobilzed, thinking death your only consolation?
Many of us have only missed a meal due to a diet or personal choice, not for lack of access. The division between the "have's" and "have-nots" is wide and neither group probably understands the other very well. But to ignore the chasm is irresponsible and certainly not christ like.
 We who have commited our lives to follow the God who fed the masses, healed the sick, cast out the demons and forgave the sinner must be willing to follow our Lord's reminder: When we feed, heal, visit, and give a drink of water, we do it to him( Mathew 25:37-40)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

An old man receives a basin, soap, salt and kerosene for light from some of hope for the needy guys!

we analyzed that people stay with their animals hence a high spread of diseases.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Here some of the Hope For The Needy guys and Girls were un packing the maize flour into plastic bags where it could easily be distributed to the people in kilogrames.
we were able to share 2 kilos with each of the 50 families that we visited.
We had a total of 100 kilos and we packed into small plastic bags a kilo in each and we handed out 2 kilos to each of the families that we visited.
Hence we were able to provide food to the people that live extrems of poverty and yet having disabilities for instance blindness therefore un able to cultivate! Thanks goes to the those that desiginated their contribution to buying food!