Friday, December 23, 2011


While Stastics and photos can crystallize the dilemma of hunger and poverty in our minds, the real experience is Unimaginable for most of us.
 Can you imagine what life would be like if you were a parent watching your malnourished child slowly die? What if there were food and medicine readily available that would heal your child, but you were never able to buy?
 What would it feel like to be a middle-aged worker recently diagnosed with an incurable mental disoder or HIV/AIDS, and watch your family gradually fear and disown you!!
 How desperate would you feel if you were to experience real hunger pains so intense that you became lifeless, and immobilzed, thinking death your only consolation?
Many of us have only missed a meal due to a diet or personal choice, not for lack of access. The division between the "have's" and "have-nots" is wide and neither group probably understands the other very well. But to ignore the chasm is irresponsible and certainly not christ like.
 We who have commited our lives to follow the God who fed the masses, healed the sick, cast out the demons and forgave the sinner must be willing to follow our Lord's reminder: When we feed, heal, visit, and give a drink of water, we do it to him( Mathew 25:37-40)

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